Types of Hearing Loss
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Buzzing in Your Ears?
Most of the symptoms associated with a buzzing in the ears are thought to be a piercing sound, for instance, hissing or whistling. If you’re experiencing a prolonged buzzing sound in the ears, there is a high chance that you could be suffering with tinnitus.
For many people, the signs and symptoms of a buzzing in the ears can be low-pitch sound, for instance a murmuring, humming, mumbling or deep drone. Others experience musical hallucinations, where they hear songs in their head repeatedly.
Buzzing can develop from:-
- Ear infections – tinnitus can develop from an inflammation in the ear
- High blood pressure – Hypertension or other factors that increase blood pressure
- Earwax – Excessive earwax can result in hearing loss and irritation
- Head or Neck injury – Accidental head injury can affect the inner ear and cause tinnitus, occasionally just in one ear
Exposure to loud noises
People exposed to continuous loud noises, for instance those working with heavy equipment, British Rail workers and Miners, frequently suffer from ‘noise-induced hearing loss’. Short-term exposure to loud noises may include loud or faulty MP3 players, iPods and call centre headsets, which can cause temporary tinnitus. Prolonged exposure, however, can cause permanent tinnitus. If you’ve been diagnosed with tinnitus or are suffering any of the above symptoms or a buzzing in the ears and you believe that this is as a result of working in a loud factory, ship yard, construction site or mine, give us a call on 0800 999 1875 to see if you may be eligible to make a claim for compensation. You can also start a claim online by filling out a ringing in the ears claim form and one of our friendly solicitors will call you back.
How do I know if I am suffering with tinnitus?
Do you frequently pick up a low-pitch noise? People who do often think that it is originating from an external source rather than from inside their ears. To discover where the buzzing is coming from, speak to other people to find out if they can hear it. If they can, it is unlikely that you are suffering with tinnitus. Can you hear ‘musical hallucinations’? These are more common amongst people with long-term hearing loss and tinnitus. However, sometimes they are also experienced by people with standard hearing and those with an increased awareness of sound (hyperacusis). There is sometimes no apparent reason for these hallucinations, but anxiety can sometimes be a trigger. Can you hear a pulsing sound? Pulsatile tinnitus is a form of tinnitus in which a person hears rhythmical sounds that beat in time with the heart. It’s normally caused by either changes in blood flow in the blood vessels by your ear or an increased awareness of the blood flow next to your ears. The blood flow through an artery can also sometimes become restricted. This could be due to a build-up of fatty deposits on the inside wall of the artery and may cause the artery to narrow.
Claiming For Hearing Loss
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