Causes of Hearing Loss
Suffering From Hearing Loss? Call 0800 999 1875Quick Claim Test
Miners’ Hearing Loss
Many workers who’ve worked in mines and in what’s know as ‘the tunnelling industry’ in the UK have gone to develop serious industrial diseases including vibration white finger, black lung, hearing loss and severe tinnitus.
For many miners who’ve worked in coal mines in Britain many of these illness are curable, however for a majority of miners, the symptoms of occupational diseases such as hearing loss and tinnitus will be with them for life.
Making a miners hearing loss claim
Unfortunately because of the working conditions in British coal mines, miners continue to make more claims for hearing loss compensation than any other profession.
Claims brought by former British coal mine workers have formed the biggest personal injury compensation scheme in British legal history and its not surprising, with so many industrial diseases all related to the mining industry.
If you have worked for a coal mine or worked in the tunnelling industry then our Clear Law claims team are here to help. We can help – whether you’re a current or former mine worker or a family member we can help you to claim compensation for noise induced hearing loss.
Getting compensation for British coal miners
We have helped thousands of miners make a ‘no win no fee’ occupational deafness claim for compensation.
From 1st April 2013 when you contact us you will not be asked to pay any money whatsoever up front and even if your claim is unsuccessful through no fault of your own you will never be asked to pay anything to anyone. We take the jargon out of the claims process and well make the process and simple and straight forward as possible for you.
Our trained coal miners team will talk to you about what is involved in making a hearing loss claim for compensation and will guide you through every step of the legal process including explaining what no win no fee means.
We will be able to answer any questions you may have and even come to your house to help you with all of the form-filling. Just fill in our compensation claim form and one of our expert advisers will be in touch or you if you prefer you can talk directly to someone now by calling our 24hr Clear Law helpline on 0800 999 1875, or request a call back – your claim will be dealt with immediately either way.
Claiming For Hearing Loss
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