If like many thousands of others you are planning to go and enjoy some live music this summer, be careful that you don’t unwittingly endanger your hearing. If you have ever returned from a loud festival or concert and found that your ears are still ringing then you will have a basic understanding of what Tinnitus is; but imagine that the ringing never goes away.
According to the charity Action on Hearing Loss, the average nightclub has a sound level of over 100 decibels, whereas the average for a rock concert is 110 decibels. Bearing in mind that exposure to noise levels above 85db is damaging to the ear, it doesn’t take an expert to work out that spending a few days exposed to very loud noise is potentially very dangerous to your hearing.
While we understand that the volume of the music is a crucial part of the atmosphere of a concert or festival, there are a variety of ways we can minimise the risk of hearing damage while still enjoying the experience. Action on Hearing Loss has five top tips:
- Don’t stand too near the speakers for a prolonged amount of time
- Take breaks between acts
- Make sure you keep your body hydrated to increase blood circulation and keep your body and ears healthy
- Wear ear plugs
- Make sure your children wear ear defenders.
Don’t ear plugs take the fun away?
In a nutshell; no. Modern ear plugs are designed to reduce the harmful sound frequencies without reducing the quality of the sound, so you can enjoy the music without the risk of hearing loss.
While many high profile musicians suffer from hearing damage, in particular tinnitus, it is certainly not a part of the rock and roll lifestyle that anyone would want. A constant ringing, buzzing or whistling in the ears can cause insomnia, depression and exceedingly high stress levels, in some tragic cases people have taken their own lives as a result of the stress caused.
When enjoying leisure activities such as music festivals the onus is on you to look after your own hearing. However if your job causes you to be exposed to loud noise on a regular basis, or for prolonged periods of time, then the responsibility is shared by your employer who has a duty to provide suitably safe working procedures and effective personal protective equipment; such as ear plugs or other hearing protection. If your hearing has suffered as a result of your work then you should contact one of our highly experienced solicitors today to find out how we can help you get the compensation you deserve.